Competitors must accept Nys' superiority: "Thibau was simply the strongest" Cycling

Competitors must accept Nys' superiority: "Thibau was simply the strongest"

Competitors must accept Nys' superiority: "Thibau was simply the strongest"

On day three of the Tour of Switzerland, Thibau Nys proved unstoppable, as he left everyone behind in the challenging uphill sprint in Rüschlikon. Several riders attempted various tactics, but there seemed to be simply no match for the Flemish rider from Lidl-Trek. Cycling Pro Net interviewed a few of the defeated riders in front of the camera.

Let's start with Stephen Williams, the winner of the Fleche Wallonne, who finished second on behalf of Israel-Premier Tech. The 28-year-old Brit had to concede a few bike lengths to his Belgian opponent at the finish line. "I'm a bit disappointed," he began. "However, I'm happy with the fact that I positioned myself well and could contend for the win. Furthermore, I can't really complain. Thibau was simply the strongest."

Williams still proud of second place behind Nys, Hirschi saw attack falter

"All in all, it wasn't a bad day," concluded Williams. "I felt good, and the team guys supported me throughout the entire stage, especially in the finale. They kept me well positioned at the front all the time. It's frustrating when you can't finish it off. But that's just how it goes. I think we can still be proud."

Marc Hirschi, on the other hand, tried with a late attack in his own country, about three kilometers from the finish. The Swiss rider from UAE Team Emirates rode impressively hard and held on for quite a while. However, it was also over for him on the little hill towards the finish. "It was certainly nice to have shown myself in the finale," said the hill specialist. "And especially when you ride in your own country. I saw my chance, but the fact that I was alone played against me. With two or three guys, we might have had a chance."

"In the peloton, they were also riding quite organized," Hirschi continued. "I had a big gap, but they simply closed it from behind. Still, I am very happy with my performance and can be satisfied with my form. The next few days are all about supporting Adam Yates. After all, he is our leader in the overall standings."

Bettiol the new leader in Switzerland

Let's wrap up with Alberto Bettiol, the third-place finisher in today's stage. However, the Italian from EF Education-EasyPost can now call himself the new leader in the Swiss stage race. "I'm certainly not disappointed that I didn't win," he began his analysis. "I simply couldn't do better, I have to be honest about that. Thibau was incredibly strong. He had a powerful sprint, and there wasn't much to do against it. Congrats to him."

"I'm just very happy to take the yellow jersey," Bettiol continued convincingly. "We've worked hard for this. As a team, we've often taken responsibility. So, having this leader's jersey is very nice. Not only for me, but also for the team. I'm glad I could finish off the hard work of the guys. The upcoming stages will be completely different. Then it's up to the climbers on our team, like Richard Carapaz. Hopefully, he can carry this positive spirit forward."

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