Jayco-AlUla aiming for stage wins with Groenewegen! Australians also betting on Simon Yates for Tour GC Cycling

Jayco-AlUla aiming for stage wins with Groenewegen! Australians also betting on Simon Yates for Tour GC

Jayco-AlUla aiming for stage wins with Groenewegen! Australians also betting on Simon Yates for Tour GC

Jayco-AlUla has announced its selection for the Tour de France. The team hopes that Dylan Groenewegen can win stages in the sprints and is fielding Simon Yates for the overall classification. The team revealed the lineup in a video on X. Last year, Yates finished fourth in the overall classification. This year, he hopes to move up one spot to land on the podium.

Yates will receive substantial support in the mountains from Chris Harper, who has had many opportunities in smaller races this year. Groenewegen will benefit from a robust sprint train, including his usual lead-out Luka Mezgec and trusted teammate Elmar Reinders. Michael Matthews will participate in the tougher, faster stages. Chris Juul-Jensen and Luke Durbridge will serve as road captains. A well-balanced lineup, for sure!

In a press release from the team, Yates particularly emphasizes his podium ambition. "After last year's close second places in two stages and finishing fourth in the overall classification, it would be nice to reach the podium this year. I have worn the leader's jersey in the Giro and the Vuelta and stood on the podium in both, but not yet in the Tour. That is a big goal of mine."

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Jayco-AlUla aiming for stage wins with Groenewegen! Australians also betting on Simon Yates for Tour GC
Simon Yates

Groenewegen counting on seven or eight sprint opportunities

His teammate Matthews is heading to France as a versatile rider. "It’s interesting to start in Florence and it will be cool to begin the final stage in Monaco, where I live. The team we have is solid, we all know each other well, and it’s a similar team to the past few years, so we are ready," Bling mentions the familiar lineup as Jayco-AlUla’s great strength.

For Groenewegen, the mission is very clear: stage wins in the flat stages. "I feel good and I think there should be seven or eight sprint stages in the Tour this year, so that is good for me and I am looking forward to it. My form is growing and improving every week and it is nice to have the Tour of Slovenia in my legs now as well. I have worked well with the team and the sprint group, and Elmar and Luka are also in good form. I have had some victories this season, but also many second and third places. I know the speed is there and I want to get it right in the Tour," said the Dutchman.

Jayco-AlUla selection for the 2024 Tour de France

Simon Yates
Dylan Groenewegen
Christopher Juul-Jensen
Chris Harper
Luke Durbridge
Elmar Reinders
Luka Mezgec
Michael Matthews

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