Lack of opposition has Pogacar already thinking about the Tour: "Looking forward to July with Jonas, Remco and Primoz" Cycling

Lack of opposition has Pogacar already thinking about the Tour: "Looking forward to July with Jonas, Remco and Primoz"

Lack of opposition has Pogacar already thinking about the Tour: "Looking forward to July with Jonas, Remco and Primoz"

Tadej Pogacar is in a class of his own in this Giro d'Italia, as demonstrated again on Sunday in the queen stage to Livigno. The wearer of the pink jersey broke away from his competitors 14 kilometers from the finish to close a gap of several minutes to the last escapee, Nairo Quintana. Pogacar then dropped the Colombian and secured his fourth stage victory of the race.

"Today was one of the most beautiful stages of my career, a very beautiful route," Pogacar began the flash interview. "The team did an excellent job. We have been focused on this stage since December. I'm very happy that we could control the race. The breakaway was exceptionally strong. I gave it my all in the last ten or fifteen kilometers. I'm just thrilled to win the queen stage in Livigno, which is one of my favorite places in Italy," beamed the UAE Team Emirates superstar.

Pogacar launched his attack 14 kilometers from the finish. "I spoke with Rafal (Majka, ed.) and the team management about the wind conditions and the breakaway. We had to be smart. We couldn't let them get too much of a lead. On the final climb, Rafal did brilliantly by accelerating when we had the wind behind us, making everyone suffer in our wheel. I then went full out, gained a gap, and held it to the top," the winner succinctly summarized the final phase.

Pogacar caught up with Quintana in the final kilometers. The latter had won the Giro in 2014, something Pogacar remembers all too well. "I remember watching on TV how Quintana and Froome attacked each other, but always just before the finish. I was very angry at Quintana back then because he didn't dare to attack from afar. However, today he was excellent, he had an incredible ride. Steinhauser, who finished third today, also rode brilliantly. A few honorable mentions," Pogacar says, praising the efforts of his colleagues.

Pogacar reminisces and doesn't want to "jinx" overall victory

Pogacar already expressed how much he was looking forward to Livigno, which he elaborated on in the press conference. "The first time here in Livigno was as a junior when I was at training camp in Sankt Moritz with the national team. We came here with an almost broken van to refuel. After all, gasoline was cheaper here. That was the first time. After that, I think I came back here every year. I have great memories of Livigno and it's wonderful to have won the queen's stage here now. This is where I had my first date with my fiancée Urska (Zigart, ed.). That was the best moment of my life."

With an immense lead of 6.41 minutes over Geraint Thomas, you could say Pogacar already has the overall Giro victory in the bag, but the rider, with another leaden week ahead of him, wants no part of that. "You shouldn't jinx it," the pink jersey responded to a journalist. "There are still six stages to go. A big lead is nice, but let's look at it day by day. After all, you never know what can happen. The team is doing excellent. So let's try to bring the pink to Rome."

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Lack of opposition has Pogacar already thinking about the Tour: "Looking forward to July with Jonas, Remco and Primoz"
Champions among themselves: Tadej Pogacar and Vincenzo Nibali

When asked to revisit the finale, where it seemed tight to catch the escapees at one point, Pogacar said, "When I heard Steinhauser's lead, I thought it might be best to focus on extending the gap with my competitors. But from the moment Rafal accelerated, I knew the course well. I also knew there was a tailwind, which was to my advantage. Steinhauser then faded, and Quintana overtook him. The fact that I still won the stage is incredible. However, I would have been satisfied even if it hadn't worked out."

Pogacar already thinking about Tour de France competitors

Of the classification riders, Daniel Felipe Martínez was the only one who tried to follow Pogacar, but the effort soon took its toll on the BORA-hansgrohe leader. In short, there is no serious competition for Pogacar in this Giro, but he expects to encounter exactly that in July. "That competition is coming," Pogacar says, cautiously looking ahead to the Tour de France. "I'm really looking forward to July to compete against Jonas, Remco and Primoz (Vingegaard, Evenepoel and Roglic, ed.). First, we have to survive the last week here, and then the focus will be on July," said Pogacar.

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