Last-minute chaos at Danish selection: leader Skjelmose injures his back at breakfast Cycling

Last-minute chaos at Danish selection: leader Skjelmose injures his back at breakfast

Last-minute chaos at Danish selection: leader Skjelmose injures his back at breakfast

Bizarre problems for the Danish team just before the road race of the World Cycling Championships started. Leader Mattias Skjelmose injured himself at the breakfast table and is in much pain now.

The Danish climber usually stood out with the solid Danish formation: He had the most excellent chance of winning a medal on the difficult course at the World Championships in Zurich. However, he made a wrong move at the breakfast table, and Skjelmose was immediately in pain. There were concerns straight away, and the physio immediately began his work. A physio session, tape, heat treatments, and cold treatments: it is not completely gone so far.

National coach Anders Lund told the Danish press precisely what happened. "Skjelmose did a wrong move and injured his back. He has been treated and feels a little better. But, of course, it filled me a bit this morning. He is starting, and we hope he will be fit enough to fight in the final," the national coach told TV2.

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Last-minute chaos at Danish selection: leader Skjelmose injures his back at breakfast

Federal coach Lund: "Still working with plan A"

Is it now a matter of making a plan B for the Danes? "We have discussed it, but it is important not to panic right now. We don't know yet what it all means. The course is long, we have to get going, and there are all kinds of possibilities to make the course. We are still working with plan A," he is clear. Skjelmose also later appeared before the cameras to tell his story. He was not feeling top: he told his story with a troubled face and a lifeless expression. It is hoped that the young Dane will recover on the bike.

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