Swiss police give update on Furrer's fatal accident at World Championships: "No footage, recordings or witnesses" Cycling

Swiss police give update on Furrer's fatal accident at World Championships: "No footage, recordings or witnesses"

Swiss police give update on Furrer's fatal accident at World Championships: "No footage, recordings or witnesses"

What was supposed to be a grand cycling celebration at the World Championships in Zürich was marred by tragedy. The death of 18-year-old Muriel Furrer during the women's junior race sent shockwaves through the cycling world. In addition to the emotional impact, the accident raised many questions, such as how it was possible that the emergency helicopter was only summoned after a significant delay. On Monday afternoon, the Zürich Cantonal Police finally provided an update.

"As is customary in such cases, the Zürich Cantonal Police, in collaboration with the public prosecutor's office, has launched an investigation to fully clarify the cause and manner of death," reads the statement on the Swiss website. "Specialists from the Zürich Cantonal Police and the Forensic Institute of Zürich conducted the necessary forensic investigation immediately after the rescue. The racing bike has been seized by law enforcement for technical inspection."

"The Institute of Forensic Medicine at the University of Zürich has been tasked with performing the necessary forensic medical examinations," the statement continued. "The investigation into the accident is ongoing and not yet completed. According to initial findings, the rider fell near Küsnacht while taking a left-hand bend during her descent from Schmalzgrueb. At this time, there is no indication of third-party involvement. According to current research, there were no witnesses to the crash. There are currently no television footage or other recordings available. No witnesses have come forward."

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Many details of Furrer's accident remain unclear to Swiss police

Furrer remained out of sight from both people and cameras for an extended period of time, the police confirmed. "The investigation so far shows that the fallen athlete was found unconscious in the woods off the track by a security staff member. Emergency services arrived shortly afterward and provided first aid. The exact time of the accident has not yet been fully determined. No further information beyond that mentioned in this press release can be communicated at this time."

The calendar for the new cyclo-cross season is now online! Check it out here. Or check out our general calendars for the remainder of the season for the men and women's races.

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