Van Emden missed Giro due to COVID, but takes revenge at Dutch National Time Trial Championships: "Had tears in my eyes back then" Cycling

Van Emden missed Giro due to COVID, but takes revenge at Dutch National Time Trial Championships: "Had tears in my eyes back then"

Van Emden missed Giro due to COVID, but takes revenge at Dutch National Time Trial Championships: "Had tears in my eyes back then"

Jos van Emden managed to secure his third title at the Dutch National Time Trial Championships in Nunspeet and surprised everyone with a dazzling display of performance. The Jumbo-Visma veteran orchestrated a mesmerizing performance in the time trial in Gelderland, leaving Daan Hoole (Trek-Segafredo) and Sjoerd Bax (UAE Team Emirates) in second and third place, respectively. After his victory, Van Emden shared his personal account of the day with the media, and of course was present as well.

"This third victory at the National Time Trial Championships means a lot to me," the triumphant rider begins his analysis. "My first victory brought immense joy. Then there was a long wait for the second, so that was more like redemption," referring to the time gap between his two previous titles in 2010 and 2019. "This is simply the icing on the cake. It's very satisfying."

At 38 years old, Van Emden's victory becomes even more special. However, according to the winner, it doesn't unravel the tapestry of his plans for the (near) future. "I'm not thinking that far ahead yet. But this year, I was in good form. After all, there was a reason I was actually allowed to participate in the Giro d'Italia. Unfortunately, fate simply struck," he recalls, referring to his Giro dreams being shattered, as a result of a COVID-19 infection.

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Van Emden missed Giro due to COVID, but takes revenge at Dutch National Time Trial Championships: "Had tears in my eyes back then"
Van Emden missed the Giro due to COVID-19, but hit back hard on Wednesday!

"You just don't skip a National Time Trial Championship," Van Emden emphasizes

"At that time, I didn't feel much from the infection. I simply took a little test as part of the standard procedure, and the result completely surprised me," he continues, reflecting on the positive COVID-19 test. "Tears welled up in my eyes at that moment. I saw the Giro d'Italia as the race that would complete my cycling career. It could have been that if I had participated. I wasn't really sick, but I didn't feel strong. I showed good form again in the ZLM Tour, which gave me confidence for the Nationals. However, the level of competition was quite high. I would have been satisfied with a podium finish beforehand. Winning was something I hadn't expected."

When asked by this website if the Dutch National Time Trial Championships were still a personal goal for him, after his infection and the subsequent recovery process, he responds affirmatively. "Someone even asked me why I still decided to participate. I replied, "It's the Dutch national championships." I never really feel completely well," he says, amusing the crowd. "But you simply don't skip a National Time Trial Championship. I had ambition, of course. But I had missed out so many times before, so everything had to align perfectly."

Did Van Emden struggle to watch the Giro d'Italia, where his teammate Primoz Roglic ultimately emerged victorious? "There are some races I simply can't watch. That was the case, for example, when our team had to withdraw due to Steven's (Kruijswijk, in 2020, ed.) positive COVID-19 test. I couldn't bring myself to watch until ten days later, especially because Wilco (Kelderman, ed.) was doing well. However, I didn't have that issue with this Giro. I'm thrilled for Primoz and the team. I was genuinely happy with the overall victory."

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Van Emden missed Giro due to COVID, but takes revenge at Dutch National Time Trial Championships: "Had tears in my eyes back then"
Van Emden together with teammate and compatriot Robert Gesink, another veteran in the cycling world

According to his own account, a different time trial format contributed to Van Emden's strong performance.

"Once I started, I sensed a good forward momentum," the victor says of his triumphant time trial in the heart of the Netherlands. "Usually, I start off fast at a blistering pace. Then I'm in a good position after one lap, but then I collapse. This time, I started and realized I could even hold back a bit. Wisdom comes with age, you know," he adds with a smile. "This time, I knew along the way that I had a real shot at grabbing the title."

In recent years, the cyclist from South Holland has displayed an amiable demeanor, 'voluntarily' side-stepping his spot in the Dutch selection for the World Time Trial Championships. "I didn't feel like I was a top time trialist anymore. Besides, the younger generation was also knocking on the door. However, I'm feeling really good again and I'll have to reconsider that choice. Perhaps I'll put myself forward as a candidate, but that's a matter for later."

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