Lance Armstrong shows up at famous U.S. mountain bike race, victory for Keegan Swenson Mountain Biking
Mountain Biking

Lance Armstrong shows up at famous U.S. mountain bike race, victory for Keegan Swenson

Lance Armstrong shows up at famous U.S. mountain bike race, victory for Keegan Swenson

Lance Armstrong participated in another Leadville Trail 100 MTB on Saturday. After more than 10 hours, the American former cyclist finished 828th out of 1,468 participants in Colorado. As a professional cyclist, he won the mountain bike race as recently as 2009.

Armstrong, who the UCI has banned for the rest of his life, currently has his thriving podcast, THEMOVE, and spends much time in the gym. So on Saturday, he got on his mountain bike once again for the Leadville Trail 100 MTB, a well-known - and grueling - race in the U.S. state of Colorado.

Through timekeeping, we were able to get a picture of the race from the now 52-year-old Armstrong, who finished the 105-mile (nearly 169 kilometers) race in 10 hours, 27 minutes, and 4 seconds, averaging 10.05 miles per hour, or nearly 17 kilometers per hour. This is just to get an idea of the severity of this race in America.

The race was won by American offroad star Keegan Swenson, who spent 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 8 seconds. Swenson was thus a remarkable 15 minutes faster than number two, John Gaston. Cole Paton finished another few minutes later as the race's number three.

Well-known gravel riders such as Russel Finsterwald, Alex Wild, and Lachlan Morton also finished in the top ten. The latter, winner of this year's Unbound, finished fourth in Colorado. He took twenty minutes longer than winner Swenson, who finished fifth at last year's World Gravel Championship in Veneto, Italy.

Scrolling a little further, we also come across ex-riders Peter Stetina (12th), Alex Howes (place 25), Petr Vakoc (former Quick-Step, 35th) and ex-Lotto-NL-Jumbo rider Alexey Vermeulen (113th).

Video: Lance Armstrong wins Leadville Trail 100 MTB in 2009

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