In-form Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale charges into Tour de France with dual leaders Cycling

In-form Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale charges into Tour de France with dual leaders

In-form Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale charges into Tour de France with dual leaders

Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale has announced the eight riders who will participate in the Tour de France. The team leaders are Austrian Felix Gall, last year's winner of the queen stage, and Irish sprinter Sam Bennett.

For Bennett, this will be his first Tour de France since 2020 when he won the green jersey in the world's biggest cycling race. The Irishman will have Oliver Naesen as his lead-out, while Dorian Godon and newly crowned French champion Paul Lapeira will also provide support. Nicolas Prodhomme, Nans Peters and Bruno Armirail will assist Gall, in addition to pursuing their own chances.

"We have two major ambitions for this Tour de France," said team boss Vincent Lavenu, whose team has already won 26 races this year. "We want to repeat last year's performance in the general classification with Gall, but also win a stage. Sam is likely our best chance for that, but Godon and Lapeira, with their speed, are also contenders for a stage win. We have an ambitious, strong team, and performing well in the Tour is part of our identity."

"My goal is clear: the general classification," Gall adds. "Last year's Tour de France went very well, with an eighth-place finish. You always aim for improvement. Since the start of the season, I've been focused on the Tour and that comes with responsibilities as a leader. Additionally, we aim to win a stage, for which we can rely on Sam, among others."

"After four years, I am returning to the Tour, which I am very happy about. I must thank the team for this opportunity," says Bennett. "Starting the Tour with a French team is a very special feeling. I see about eight opportunities for the sprinters, but there is also a lot of competition. I am really looking forward to this Tour!"

Selection Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale Tour de France 2024

Sam Bennett
Felix Gall
Paul Lapeira
Dorian Godon
Bruno Armirail
Nans Peters
Oliver Naesen
Nicolas Prodhomme

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