Lead-out Consonni sums up dynamics between Lidl-Trek/Milan and the competition in one phrase Cycling

Lead-out Consonni sums up dynamics between Lidl-Trek/Milan and the competition in one phrase

Lead-out Consonni sums up dynamics between Lidl-Trek/Milan and the competition in one phrase

For the third time in this Giro d'Italia, Jonathan Milan, representing Lidl-Trek, emerged victorious. The Italian powerhouse secured his easiest stage win so far in the thirteenth stage, thanks to a truly perfect lead-out from his supermarket-backed team.

Every team knew it, every team wanted it, but it was Lidl-Trek that took control in the technical last five kilometers of this Giro stage. Daan Hoole strung the peloton into a single line, followed by Jasper Stuyven, Edward Theuns and Simone Consonni bringing Milan into perfect position. The man in the points jersey then powered straight to the finish, making it look easy, despite an earlier moment of panic when he was one of the few caught off guard in the crosswinds.

Lead-out Consonni was the first to speak to Eurosport. "Amazing," was the first word that came to the fellow Italian’s mind. "It’s not about me or Jonathan, but the entire team. We were taking a pee break when the crosswinds split the peloton, but we managed to come back and finish it off. That was very good work, but also a kind of warm-up. In the end, everything went as planned," concluded the mustachioed Italian with a big smile, encapsulating Lidl-Trek's strength.

Hoole was also pleased. "It's super cool to win after this perfect lead-out. Jasper did an incredibly long stint up front, then Edward and Simone brought Milan to the end. As the fastest sprinter, he could then finish it off... Really great. Earlier, the whole team was taking a break when INEOS split the peloton, but we stuck together. That was a bit of a nervous moment."

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Milan: "The way the guys rode... Incredible"

Finisher Milan then stepped forward for the flash interview, where he also reflected on the crosswinds. "I had just stopped and was coming back when the crosswinds split the peloton at the front. My guys, as always, did an amazing job. We rode full throttle to catch the front part of the peloton and then positioned ourselves at the front. I did some work myself, but maybe only three or four turns. The other guys did the bulk of the work."

"I was delivered to the finish in a perfect position," continued the man in purple. "We knew we had to be in the last corner with Simone, 400 meters from the end. And that's exactly how it went. I think the way we rode today is incredible... How everyone took the lead, kept me in position and gave everything for our goal. Everyone believes in it and this is the result. Again, I’m very happy, but especially proud of my team."

Fernando Gaviria also served as an additional lead-out. "I know he likes to go for it early, so I could use his slipstream and pass him."

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