Nieuwenhuis on difference in level with Van der Poel and Van Aert: "I'm nowhere near Mathieu" Cyclo-cross

Nieuwenhuis on difference in level with Van der Poel and Van Aert: "I'm nowhere near Mathieu"

Nieuwenhuis on difference in level with Van der Poel and Van Aert: "I'm nowhere near Mathieu"

Joris Nieuwenhuis is increasingly making his mark in contemporary cyclo-cross. The former road cyclist has already claimed victory four times this season and has consistently achieved impressive results. caught up with him for an interview after the evening cyclo-cross race in Diegem!

First, let's talk about the evening cyclo-cross race in Diegem. There, the avid guitarist finished fifth, exactly one minute behind winner Mathieu van der Poel. "As far as I'm concerned, the race here could have been three laps longer. I had a really tough time at the beginning," he said while catching his breath. "The first four laps just didn't go well at all. I was really riding with heavy legs. In the opening laps, we were in a kind of peloton, but I just couldn't keep up. I genuinely thought I was going to have a bad day. A few laps later, I finally started to get into it."

And that eventually resulted in a fifth-place finish. "I think it has a lot to do with the fact that it was my third cyclo-cross in a row," he further analyzed the sandy race. "That's something I've never done before." After a well-deserved day of rest, Nieuwenhuis also participated in Hulst. And with success: the Dutchman impressively finished second behind - who else? - Van der Poel, in a race filled with incidents. "I had a flat tire just after the pit stop. It took some time before I got back into the race. I immediately felt that I had good legs," he told the present cycling press after the race.

Nieuwenhuis fully committed to Cyclo-cross World Championships and Superprestige rankings

Meanwhile, Nieuwenhuis has established himself as a consistent presence in the top five. Right behind 'the Big Three' - Van der Poel, Van Aert, and Pidcock. When asked about the difference in level compared to the absolute elite of the cyclo-cross world, he is clear. "I really can't say that I come anywhere close to Mathieu. Tom and Wout often have a bit more left in the tank at the end of the race. They have a little more class, although I can increasingly compete with them. In that respect, I'm definitely getting closer than last year. And that is, of course, very satisfying."

So, what else is in store for Nieuwenhuis? Where are his priorities? "I am gradually working towards the Cyclo-cross World Championships, although the race in Middelkerke is also very important for me in the context of the Superprestige rankings. After the World Championships, the races in Brussels and Lille are also on my race schedule."

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